Fun ways to…Teach Dynamics
We all know that adding dynamics into music makes it far more interesting, but learning what the symbols and Italian terms mean can be rather dry. So today I’d like to share with you a 2 minute game away from the instrument to help remember the terms - the retro-radio!
All you need is a (free) print-out of the radio and cards, and some sellotape to make the slider (5 minutes prep time). The aim is for students to recognise the dynamic signs and words, and their order between loudest and quietest.
This radio has a volume slider, but it is missing the volume signs. Students simply need to put the dynamic cards in order on the radio from quietest to loudest, either using the symbol cards (pp, p, mp etc) or the word cards (pianissimo, piano, mezzo piano etc). You can then ask the student to move the slider to various volumes to embed knowledge of the terms. As you’re looking through a new piece of music, the student can also move the the slider to change the volume on the radio to match the music they’re reading.
I’ve also included a QR code to the bitesize video on dynamics for an extra bit of fun revision!