Fun ways to… teach kids scales

Teaching kids about semi-tones and tones, and the patterns to make scales, can sound really complicated. I’ve found that using this visual aid helps kids make sense of the concept, so that they can work out any scale for themselves, rather than simply memorising them without understanding the reasoning.

Tools: print-out of the visual aid, and seven blank dice.

Preparation: you’ll first need to prepare your blank dice. On one face of each die write the note names A to G. On the face above, write the sharpened note name, and on the face below, write the flattened note name. (I should say that these dice are not my idea - I saw them used on facebook).

How to use: the visual aid shows, for a major scale, what the pattern of tones and semi-tones within the scale should be. If, for example, the student is working out the D major scale, start by putting D, E, F, G, A, B, C on boxes 1 to 7. The student can then work through to check that between each of the notes there is the correct interval. They will see that D to E is a tone, so that is correct, but that E to F is a semi-tone rather than a tone, so they move the F die round to read F#. They can then continue - F# to G is a semi-tone, so correct, and so on. To check the interval between degrees 7 and 8, the student will need to move the tonic die up to box 8. Students can then also see clearly the degree numbers of the scale they have created.

My students find that the physical process of working though each interval, turning the dice and seeing the complete scale helps cement the concept in their minds, allowing them then to work out the major scale starting on any note.

The visual aid is downloadable for free on the “useful freebies” section of our shop. If you’d like more scales theory activities for your students, check out our activity sheets!


Fun ways to teach kids … note reading (2)


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